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发布时间:2018/4/16 9:27:00 点击数:490 


  应上海图书馆、上海市图书馆学会邀请,2018年4月19日下午,伦敦大学学院(UCL)“数字人文中心”主任和信息学系“数字人文”首席教员西蒙•马奥尼(Simon Mahony)教授将在上海图书馆做主题为“伦敦大学学院的数字人文教学与研究”的学术讲座。本次学术讲座向会员单位开放,欢迎各会员单位同行前来听讲交流。

  讲座主题:伦敦大学学院的数字人文教学与研究(Digital Humanities teaching and research at University College London)

  主  讲  人:西蒙•马奥尼(Simon Mahony)教授






  西蒙•马奥尼(Simon Mahony)教授是伦敦大学学院(UCL)“数字人文中心”主任和信息学系“数字人文”首席教员。其研究兴趣为应用新技术研究古代世界,尤其是利用最新的万维网技术和数字资源来建立和运营学习社区,开展合作和创新工作。他是UCL学生招聘兴趣小组的成员,获得UCL全球合作基金的资助,他还是新UCL开放教育特别兴趣小组主席,并且是项目管理团队成员,同时是UCL开放教育资源(OER)机构库项目委员会成员。他在远程教育领域也非常活跃,是伦敦大学远程教育中心的成员之一,热衷于使用新工具促进教育实践。此外,他还是伦敦大学古典研究学院(伦敦大学高级研究学院)的副研究员,是《数字古典主义》刊物的创始编辑之一。

  Simon Mahony is Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities and Principal Teaching Fellow in Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies, University College London (UCL). His research interests are in the application of new technologies to the study of the ancient world, using new Web-based mechanisms and digital resources to build and sustain learning communities, collaborative and innovative working. He is a member of the UCL Student Recruitment Interest Group and recipient of support from UCL’s Global Engagement Funding; chair of the New UCL Open Education Special Interest Group and on the Project Management Team and a member of the Project Board for the UCL Open Educational Resources (OER) Repository. He is also active in the field of distance learning and is a member of the University of London’s Centre for Distance Education with an interest in the development of educational practice and the use of new tools to facilitate this. In addition, he is an Associate Fellow at the Institute of Classical Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) and one of the founding editors of the Digital Classicist.



